Carsten Lakner is hired as new CEO for InFlow Media Denmark A/S, the leading metadata specialist that enables broadcasters, distributors and media houses to build superior user experiences by means of e.g. personalized content recommendations, universal search across all services, and solid editorial data enrichment.
Carsten Lakner is a seasoned executive with deep knowledge of the media and technology space. He has previously worked as Director of Marketing and Head of Digital Development in DR and as Director of Marketing & PR and Channel Director with Discovery Networks.
“InFlow Media is transforming digitally, and Carsten Lakner is the right person to help accelerate this drive. Carsten has throughout his career demonstrated that he can create tangible results – he has a keen eye for strategic development and his commercial drive will help InFlow Media grow its topline and deliver best-in-class quality to its customers. The board is looking forward to further developing InFlow Media with Carsten as part of the team”, says board member in InFlow Media and CEO of Ritzaus Bureau, Lars Vesterløkke.
“User habits are changing rapidly and this also transforms InFlow Media’s business. While there is still a market for TV listings and editorial features in print and digital media, InFlow Media is currently undergoing a digital transformation. I can’t wait to get going together with the dedicated people at InFlow Media and realize the untapped business potential that comes with e.g. artificial intelligence and scaling digital solutions that match rapidly changing consumer needs and behaviors”, says Carsten Lakner. “I think most people will agree that it has never been more difficult to find relevant content, and we at InFlow Media are in a unique position to fix this problem!”
InFlow Media is the leading provider of enriched metadata and program information. Our data populates user interfaces and recommendation engines, we make it easier for end-users to consume content that is actually relevant to them, and we help some of Europe’s biggest media brands improve their customer experience. InFlow Media is owned 50/50 by news agencies NTB in Norway and Ritzaus Bureau in Denmark.
Rune Skogeng
+47 90 68 01 69
Carsten Lakner
+45 29 11 61 30